35 Weeks

35 Weeks
Please ignore the intruder in the background :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Single Mommy Warrior and Stinkbutt Ninja!!!!

Disclaimer: This post is very rushed. You'll have to excuse me. There was so much to condense into one post. Lol

Wow, so I suck. I have not posted in, like, a year. Well, eight months, but come on Tiffany. Such a slacker. Lol. How to describe life since my last update? Exciting. Challenging. Awesome. Frustrating. Unbelievable. If anything this period of time has taught me:

1. God is definitely real and is working in my life in big ways. I never doubted His existence and have always been a Christian. But I never had a real testimony of His greatness. Well, now I do. Despite being chronically unemployed and not having any true source of income, I was always able to pay my bills for my car, my house (though I did end up having to move out of my apartment to a much nicer yet cheaper HOUSE), and utilities.  At one point I had no clue where I was going to live. Then the people across the street from my parent moved out and I went over there and asked if it was going to be rented. He said yes. I asked how much (and was nervous about the answer), and when he said $350 a month for a 2 bedroom/2 bath house with a big backyard I jumped on it! lol. When I was at a point where I NEEDED a job, somehow I always found one and was always hired on the spot. When I couldn't take my last job any longer, I realized that I had been sitting on an amazing business opportunity (Pure Romance) for several months not realizing what a gold mine it was (I had joined the company in November, but didn't start doing anything until January. I have since added 5 people to my team and am working on getting my sales up)Now I am able to be a stay at home mom and STILL pay the bills. And all because God has my life in his hands. I definitely give Him the credit and glory for my survival and happiness.

2. Tears are only temporary. Despite me being able to pull through as far as finances, there have been some huge hurdles. Basically I did someone a favor involving money. I didn't realize that the money was not deducted from my account immediately, so when I checked my balance I assumed that that was money I had to spend. Then when they FINALLY deducted the money from my account, I overdrafted. I (without ever planning on utilizing it) had enrolled for a $500 overdraft limit when I opened my bank account. I knew how it worked. What I didn't know was that if you overdrafted, you would not receive any notice that you had. So here I am using my card for regular things. Toiletries. Food . Diapers. Not even anything big. And EVERY time I swiped my card, they charged that amount PLUS a $35 fee to my bank account. It took me two days to notice it. I had an order to place from a party I had done and was checking to make sure I had enough in my account to cover it. My bank statement was several HUNDRED dollars in the negative. WTF?

Heart racing I rushed to the bank. The lady at the window pulled up my account and told me that all of my money was gone. I was just like "How?" WHen she explained it to me and I came to realize that it was not a fluke, I broke down crying in the drive thru. All I could think about was the fact that I had NO MONEY but my rent and car note were due soon. And when I say I was crying, I mean I was crying. Tears flowing, eyes bloodshot, hands raised to God asking "What do I do"? The lady at the window started crying too. She credited $200 back to my account but that was the most she could do. At the time Christian had nearly $400 in his savings account. This was something that I was very proud of. That I was able to even begin investing in his future. I ended up having to use up nearly all of his savings just to get my balance back out of the negative. All of my hard work...gone in 10 seconds. Just thinking about that day makes me cry all over agian. That sense of complete and utter helplessness and failure. *sigh*

Then there was the day my electricity got cut off. Now, this was more to do with my lack of memory. I forgot when my bill was due. I came back home after being gone for a week to find my lights off, the house freezing, the food in the fridge spoiled and the food in the freezer in danger of spoiling. My house is all electric so I could not even cook or take a hot bath. I immediately got on the phone with the electric company to pay the bill and have them come out. They could not come until the next day. In the meantime, Christian is sitting there shivering so hard is teeth are chattering  while he keeps repeating "Mama mama mama". Of course, I broke down then. Fail. Again.

And, though I hate to admit it, I cried when Tyrell's first "baby mama" contacted me to tell me that not only was he having sex with one of the same girls that he had cheated on me with while I was pregnant (and who he probably met up with when he took a week vacation to go back home not too long before he left for good), but that she was living with him (in his mom's basement, the loser), had gotten her pregnant, AND was engaged to her. Now, I don't love him. In the least. Sometimes I have the horrible thought that my life would be so much simpler if he were dead (Bad Tiffany!). But that sh!t hurt. Mind you, he has not been in contact with us since I told him that there was absolutely no way that I was moving to Baltimore. That was in June of last year. He has not called/texted/emailed me AT ALL to even ask if Christian was ok. Not even on his birthday. No presents. No monetary assistance. Nothing. To have him move on so quickly, with no regrets apparently hurt. For him to get away without any responsibilities while I struggle made me mad. To have him act as though my son does not matter or even exist pissed me the fuck off. So now I am making the moves to preserve me and my son's happiness. And that's all I will say about that on here. :)

3. So many other strong, smart, beautiful women go through the same thing. I have so many friends who end forced into Single Mommydom. Men suck. I am learning that that is more reality than exaggeration. How someone can hurt the ones they love (be it through physical or emotional abuse, infidelity, or abandonment/neglect) I will NEVER understand. But what I do know is that it is not us who are the weak ones. It's you "men". The ones who give in to temptation. Who don't know a fanfrickingtastic thing when you have it sitting right in front of you. The ones who create life and then toss it aside as though it does not matter. Who walk out on your wives, fiances, sons, and daughters without looking back. Who live your lives in a carefree manner while WE raise your children, and then decide to pop up out of nowhere several years down the road to reap the benefits of what we have put out blood, sweat, and tears into. You little boys are pathetic and, honestly, the best thing you have done with your lives is to provide us with our children. You serve no other purpose. Just thought I would share that.

Ok, lol. I feel myself getting riled up. Ugh! Where have all the good men gone?

Anyways, life is great. Not perfect. Still not where I need to be financially, but I'm getting there. More importantly, my son is truly the best thing that I could have asked for. I am sooooooooooooooVERY blessed to be his mommy. :D

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The ups and downs of single mommydom

Life as a single mom...is hard. All of a sudden I am the only breadwinner. I am playing the role of two parents, and I admit that I don't do a perfect job. I get frustrated and annoyed. I let him cry it out because "mommy needs to do her work" or "mommy needs to cook and clean". The house is often messy. The laundry is piling up. Sometimes I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs "WHY ME?!" And it doesn't make things any easier that, at the same time, I am still trying to finish my Master's. My life is a whirlwind and at times I feel like I just am not equipped to do this.

But then Christian smiles. Or gives me a kiss. Or I will come out of my room and see him sitting there waiting patiently for me to come back. Or he will start kicking and squealing in excitement when I walk in the door. Or he will put his hands on my face and give me a huge grin and babble like he is telling me "Smile, because I love you". And I feel bolstered with energy and hope. Energy to do what needs to be done, and hope that everything will work out better than I could ever imagine. And trust me, at times I just can't imagine how I will survive.

Like right now. I have very little money to my name. Not nearly enough to even begin to cover my expenses. I am facing losing my apartment (and we all know the damage that can do later on) and my car. I have several assignments due tomorrow. I have bills that are probably past due. .But I'll be damned if I'm going to let us go down without a fight.

Right now I am stressed beyond belief. But I am also blessed beyond belief. I have family and friends who love me. I have a God who...loves me isn't even the way to describe it. He just...is. I have strength and I have dedication. Being a single mom is the most challenging role that I have ever had to play. One that I had never imagined that I would be forced to take on. But if this is what God has in store for me right now, then I'm gonna be the best single mom that I can be. And I'm going to thank Him everyday for the opportunity. Because at least I have Christian. And that is worth everything to me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

:| Four months later

Lord! I just checked my blog and my last one was when Christian was FOUR MONTHS!!!!! DAYUMMMM!!!! He is nearly 9 months old now and I have written nothing. But that doesn't mean that nothing has been happening. I like to think that I have been too busy being a mom, student, and business owner to blog much. But that's no excuse. *Sigh* I had wanted so much for this to be a great, detailed chronicle of my life as a first-time mom. But, you know...I guess this fits. I have my plate overfilling with things. Not only am I chasing around a baby (who is crawling and "walking" all over the place), but I am doing it alone (unfortunately Christian's father has left us and has been away for over a month), working hard to try to pay the bills, and still working on my Master's. Life is tough. But my baby boy makes it all worth it. :D

It's amazing to think of how much he is changed over the past few months. He is eating solids like a champ. He is crawling like crazy and learning how to walk. He is starting to talk (already he has said "Hi",  "All done", and "I did it"). He laughs all the time and loves to play and explore. He has a great personality and is just an awesome little dude. I am LOVING being a mom.

Ok...so I'm not the perfect mom. I don't make all of his baby food myself. I don't breastfeed him all day. My house is not picture perfect. But I do what needs to be done. I am a single mom. I am a stay at home mom. I am a business owner. I am a student. I sing to him, play with him, read to him, feed him, teach him, cuddle him, dress him, bathe him, and love him better than anyone. I make his baby food as often as I can. I breastfeed him 3 times a day. I hold him when he cries, hold his hands while he walks, get on the ground with him to play, zoom him through the air like a plane, make noises and faces just to make him laugh. I am his teacher, his chef, his masseuse, his playmate, his best friend, his chauffeur, his personal musician and comedian. I am Super Mom. How about you?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Can Do It Myself!

Yesterday Christian finally held his bottle for an entire feeding. He has been working towards this point for about a month and a half. He could hold the bottle, but if it fell he wouldn't even attempt to put it back in his mouth. Well, yesterday it was like something just clicked in his mind, and he just...did it. Now he is feeding himself like a pro. :D Next on the agenda: sitting without support. WOOHOO PROGRESS!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Paci...GET! IN! MY! MOUTH!

I just had the best time watching Christian trying to put the pacifier in his mouth. I held it out for him and he grabbed it. He tried to put it in his mouth but got the side of it in there instead. So he held it back away from and was looking at it and tried again. Close but no cigar. Then it was like he had a brain flash -- he grabbed it with both hands to get better control and tried again, looking at it to make sure it was in the right position aaaaaand....Success! It was the funniest and cutest thing. He was so determined to figure it out and it was amazing to see him using his brain and spatial awareness skills to do so. I love my little Einstein. :D Now to get him to be able to keep the bottle in his mouth. He can hold it, but if it falls he can't really get it back in there all the time.

Christian has teeth!!!!

Omg! Christian has been drooling excessively since...shoot, since he was a month old. Everyone told us that it was because he was teething. I would check all the time, and it would feel hard, but it never seemed like there was anything coming up. And he never seemed really fussy (except when hungry or sleepy). SO imagine my surprise when my mom called and was like, "Hey, Tiffany, I forgot to tell you. Christian has teeth" Whaaaaaat? I put my finger in his mouth and pulled them out, squealing. OHMIGOSH, CHRISTIAAAAAN!!!! YOU HAVE TEETH!

I don't know how I didn't notice. Maybe because I was so used to nothing being there whenever I did check. But there they  are -- two teeth poking through the gums at the bottom. You can't see them yet, because they are just breaking through, but they are DEFINITELY there. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! TEETH! :D My babies gonna be eating steak pretty soon. Lol! I'm excited, surprised, and wary all at the same time. I'm super excited because it's such a huge milestone. I'm surprised because he's only 4 months (though I know that it happens early for some babies). I'm wary because I don't know what this is going to mean for nursing. But I am going to stick it out for as long as I possibly can. I'm really hoping to make it to the on year mark. Wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This morning I did something I swore I would never be able to do -- take a bath with Christian. All by myself. I remember when Christian was first born and I had a discussion about this. I swore that I would NEVER do this because it was wayyyy too scary. What if I dropped hi? What if he slipped under the water? Well, 4.5 months down the line, I am more secure in my parenting skills. Never once did I feel as though Christian was less than perfectly secure, even when I was letting him float on his back (while I was holding him of course). He LOVED it and it was actually less unnerving than giving him a bath in his baby tub (it's much higher up than our tub so it still makes me nervous). I had fun and so did he. I don't know how often I would do that. Today was sort of an emergency situation (I was trying to take a bath and he started crying) but I'm no longer scared stiff to do it. Yayyyy progress!!! :D